Are You a Diverse Thinker?
Be aware of what you and others assume - your assumptions, the things you take for granted, might not be correct.
Be aware of the situation in which you are acting. What works in this circumstance that might not in another? What won't work because of the uniqueness of this situation?
Question absolute statements (for example, "This is the only right way!") and ask "who benefits if I do it this way?"
Explore different ways to think and act and be CREATIVE! (Young people are often especially good at this).
Watch for contradictions; be logical.
Know your sources (for example, learn how to evaluate websites).
SWOT Analysis
What do we do well? What are we good at?
What do we not do well?
What is happening in the community that can help us? Who or what might be supportive?
What is happening in the community that might get in the way? Who or what might be an obstacle?